The e-Center Cancer Awareness Program

e-center cancer awareness banner

In South Africa , the incidence of cancer is increasing rapidly; therefore, it is important to step up cancer literacy and knowledge among the population. We hope that this will lead to early detection which is important in the management and treatment of cancer and prevention by making necessary changes in lifestyle.

We at the E-Center for Women’s Cancer and Maternal Health are one of the inclusive and accessible Cancer NGOs in South Africa . Our work encompasses the entire Cancer spectrum from Cancer awareness, early detection, diagnosis and treatment funding, post-treatment support, and rehabilitation. Our focus is the underprivileged section of the society both in urban and rural South Africa . Your one decision to donate to an NGO can save many lives. Thank you for choosing to donate to the E-Center for Women’s Cancers and Maternal Health.


Cancer is a disease in which cells grow out of control and can spread to other parts of the body.

The primary purpose of E-Center NPO is to raise awareness about cancer and how it can be managed. In addition to public awareness campaigns, we also provide support for those who are living with cancer or have survived cancer, hence our existence in driving cancer awareness.

Leading an active life, combined with healthy food habits is essential to good health, this is part of Cancer Awareness.

two men running at park

The primary goal of E-Center is to promote and develop awareness in the public and emphasize the importance of early detection, all of which play a major role in the treatment of cancer. Cancer awareness can also lead to people making healthier lifestyle choices.

  • Inform people about the importance of regular screening and check-ups.
  • Inform women about mammograms, clinical breast exam and breast self-exam.
  • Inform women about Pap smear tests to check for signs of cervical cancer.
  • Create cancer awareness and remove the stigma and fear attached.
  • Help people recognize the early signs and symptoms of cancer, thus enabling them to seek treatment at an early stage.
  • Educate people about the key risk factors, since more than 30% of cancer cases could be prevented by modifying lifestyle or avoiding the risk factors.
  • Inform people about the importance of regular screening and check-ups.
  • Inform women about mammograms, clinical breast exam and breast self-exam.
  • Inform women about Pap smear tests to check for signs of cervical cancer.
  • The primary goal of E-Center is to promote and develop awareness in the public and emphasize the importance of early detection, all of which play a major role in the treatment of cancer. Cancer awareness can also lead to people making healthier lifestyle choices.
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